I am enthusiastic about the work that Meagan did on the History of Friends Meeting of Washington which we completed in 2010. Every two decades since its incorporation in 1930, Friends Meeting of Washington has given an account of those aspects of its life that most bear remembering and most fully convey a sense of its spiritual growth and challenges. This history of the Meeting from 1972 to 1992 is particularly notable because of events that brought the Meeting to a deeper sense of its divine leadings.

Not only helping with the cover design and general layout of the pages, Meagan contributed excellent graphics that reflected the content of the history perfectly. Meagan has a careful sense of page design and encouraged the emphatic use of white space throughout the final product. Take a look at the final product on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1451538391

Attached is just one of her carefully drawn illustrations for the history.